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Why Whey Protein?

Whey protein has been studied for maintaining skeletal muscle mass. Studies suggest whey protein may benefit older people & women after exercise. In healthy young men, whey protein increased blood levels of essential amino acids and creation of muscle protein. Whey protein considered b an excellent source of protein by experts.

Whey protein has been studied for maintaining skeletal muscle mass. Studies suggest whey protein may benefit older people & women after exercise. In healthy young men, whey protein increased blood levels of essential amino acids and creation of muscle protein. Whey protein considered b an excellent source of protein by experts.

Many protein sources have been studied for their possible impact on blood sugar and insulin. Whey protein has been found to reduce blood sugar in both healthy people and those with type 2 diabetes. Further research is needed to determine potential interactions with medications and long-term effects of whey protein.

Whey protein has been studied for regulating appetite & body weight, and is considered an inexpensive source of protein. It may reduce short-term food intake and may also reduce risk factors for heart disease associated with obesity. These factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and blood sugar and insulin levels. Most studies suggest that whey protein increases feelings of fullness and reduces food intake. However, some results are conflicting, and more research is needed before firm conclusions can be made.

A whey formula has been studied for allergic skin symptoms in children receiving a diet containing very few foods. Whey protein formulas may help reduce the risk of cow’s milk allergy, and may be more cost-effective when compared to standard formula for preventing allergies in infants. However, strong evidence is lacking for the use of whey protein formula for reducing skin allergies in infants up to three years of age. There is a lack of research on the effect of whey protein itself for reduced allergy risk in this population.

Whey protein may help reduce stress, according to early research in humans. Further study on whey protein is needed before conclusions can be made.

Whey protein has been studied for the improvement of bone density. However, results are conflicting and more research is needed before a conclusion can be made

Whey protein has been studied for weight loss and the regulation of appetite. Studies have shown whey protein to be an inexpensive source of high-quality protein and that it may reduce short-term food intake. Overall results suggest that whey protein may promote better weight loss when compared to lower-protein diets, but results are unclear when whey protein is compared to other protein sources. Research is still needed to make firm conclusions in this area.

Whey protein has been studied for promoting muscle growth and improving athletic performance. Taking whey protein after exercise may have benefits in both men and women, in terms of improving protein oxidation and blood levels of essential amino acids. Overall, short-term studies have suggested that whey protein increases muscle mass and strength. Some conflicting results have been found in terms of whey protein’s effects on body composition. More research is needed to confirm these results over a longer period of time.

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